Working mostly in stoneware, my mythical figures are emerging. My inspiration comes from the Fornnordic, Celtic and Greek/Roman traditions as well as from the animal kingdom and sagas of old.
Send me an email if you want to see my sculptures. Showroom at Agneshill, Gessie, Sweden and in Lomma.

Grey clay, earthware
37 cm tall
18 000 SEK
My first faun emerged during a sculpture course for the gifted ceramic artist Anna Kinman. It was the first in a series of many magical creatures.

Grey clay, partial transparent glaze, stoneware
20 cm tall
6 000 SEK

White lioness
White clay with lavadots, white crystal glaze, stoneware
23 cm tall
6 000 SEK

Grey clay with white and green glaze, earthware
35 cm tall
18 000 SEK
Hermes, the Greek God who was the messenger between gods and humans came together with my first faun. He is also known as Hermes Trismegistos, who was the father of the universal principle ’as above so below, as within so without’. The little figure beside him is my first little model of him.

Sheep totem
White clay, green and white glaze. Stoneware
35 cm tall
22 000 SEK
This majestic sheep is made from 15 kg of white clay. She is the mother of a whole flock of smaller ones who have seen the light last year.

The Fairy King
Grey clay, stoneware
55 cm tall
22 000 SEK
The Fairy King is a result of working with opposites. Instead of smooth, rough. Instead of beautiful, a bit ugly. Full of power he came forth during an intense session with drying clay. One of my absolute favourites.

Mixed clay, earthware
31cm tall
8 000 SEK
This faun was coming through with her siblings in the Autumn of 2022. And they are still emerging from the clay…

Seal Totem
Lavaclay, white glaze. Stoneware
23 cm long
6 000 SEK
Seal Totem, Iona 2022. Stoneware. 23 cm long. Lava clay with white glaze. On small rocks the common seals were sunbathing as we returned from Isle of Staffa. The seal as a power animal stands for unconditional love and playfulness.
Seal as a totem indicates that you are capable both at swimming in deep emotional waters and living in a grounded state on land. Seal shows up telling us to be playful and loving, listening to our intuition and using our creativity.

Gray clay and yellow engobe, stoneware
29 cm tall
8 000 SEK
I also call her The Listener. To listen within is a vice. Her head looks a bit bigger than the body on the photos because of the angle.

Faun II
Lava clay and turqoise glaze, stoneware
29 cm tall
8 000 SEK

Moon Hare
White clay with lavadots and black glaze, stoneware
20 cm tall
3 000 SEK
The moon hare is found in both Celtic and East Asian mythology. She is a symbol of the creative principle and is connected to Mother Earth. A mysterious creature who no-one ever saw mating or giving birth… And the Celtic Triple Goddess whispers through her. Mother. Maiden. Crone.

Mixed clay, white wngobe, brown glaze, stoneware
29 cm tall
8 000 SEK
The Huntress, Diana in the Roman tradition or Artemis in the Greek tradition, comes with furs from two foxes on her shoulder. My Diana is closing her eyes in order to see with her third eye. From there you never miss a shot.

Spirited Away
White clay, green and white glaze, stoneware
23 cm tall
8 000 SEK
The kind demon from the movie by Studio Ghibli showed up one day. Greedy but he learns modesty… Made me think of someone I know.

White clay, cobolt and copper oxide, stoneware
29 cm tall
8 000 SEK
The intuitive and channeling process is an interesting one. Have met this fornnordic goddess a lot lately since I often channel. The fornnordic death goddess Hel is the queen of teh realm of the Dead. She helps with strength and clarity, cutting through bs like the indian goddess Kali. She popped out of the oven like a surprise. The glaze with the oxide under was supposed to be greenish, but turned to a spooky bluegrey.

Seal Rock
Black clay with white and green glaze, stoneware
15 cm tall
8 000 SEK
Seal Rock works also as a vase if you lift the ice floe. Looks like a dragon egg with its veins of turqoise…
Some of my sold work the last years.

Faun III
Grey clay. Stoneware
59 cm tall

Bear Totem
Black clay, transparent glaze. Stoneware
22 cm tall

Moon Deer
White clay, blue-turqoise glaze. Stoneware
24 cm tall

Water Spirit
White clay with green and white glaze, stoneware
22 cm long, 6 cm tall